Ron J. Bonhagen, Sr.

Ron is an integrated payments software solutions consultant with a career in business development: real estate sales and marketing, software sales and marketing - all to partner with clients to help streamline payments processes and increase efficiency by boosting cash flow and improving their bottom line.

Ron brings a unique perspective to business owners interested in streamlining business operations with seamless and frictionless payments software solutions.

Ron is committed to helping business owners to reduce their burden of traditional credit card payment processing that are still using quarter century old payment processing technology!

He has a passion for helping his clients fuel their business growth by improving cash flow, reducing friction and removing any obstacles to accepting credit card payments online and in-person.

“Starting a company isn’t for everyone. You need to have a very high pain threshold...A friend of mine once told me that starting a company is like eating glass and staring into the abyss.”

-Elon Musk